D E T A I L E D   B I O G R A P H Y

Stardate: 239905.29

Name: Nu_Gara
Officer Rank: Captain
Email: nugara@hotmail.com

Current Assignment:

USS Devastator Commanding Officer
USS Warthog Acting Commanding Officer

Former Assignment:
239905.29 to 239912.01
USS Excalibur
Positions Held: Assistant Security, Assistant Science, Chief of Security, Flight Commander
Reassigned to USS Nightshade as Chief Tactical 239912.01
239912.01 to 240007.05
USS Nightshade
Positions Held: Chief of Tactical, 2nd Officer
Reassigned to USS Devastator as Commanding Officer 240007.05

P E R S O N A L   I N F O R M A T I O N


Species: Klingon
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 2.12 M
Marital Status: Single
Weight: 147.47 Kg
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Hair Color: Long Dark Brown
Birth Place: Province of Ma'Dorath, Qo`nos
Personal Quote:

"For that which is common to the greatest number has the least care bestowed upon it. Everyone thinks chiefly of his own, hardly at all of the common interest; and only when he is himself concerned as an individual. For besides other considerations, everybody is more inclined to neglect something which he expects another to fulfil; as in families many attendants are often less useful than a few. Each citizen will have a thousand sons who will not be his sons individually, but anybody will be equally the son of anybody, and will therefore be neglected by all alike."


Father: Deceased
Mother: Deceased
Other No surviving family

S T A R F L E E T   C A R E E R

Commendations / Medals:

239905.29 Awarded Red Ribbon of Excellence - SIM Guide Course (IRC)
239906.04 Awarded Blue Ribbon of Excellence - Navigation
239906.20 Awarded Blue Ribbon of Excellence - Science
239907.06 Awarded Golden Pilots Wings - Extreme Fighter Pilots Course
239907.10 Awarded Blue Ribbon of Excellence - SSS Course
239907.13 Awarded Blue Ribbon of Excellence - Engineering
239907.29 Awarded Blue Ribbon of Excellence - Judge Advocate General (JAG)
239908.23 Awarded Blue Ribbon of Excellence - Advanced Tactical Course
239908.23 Awarded Blue Ribbon of Excellence - Security
240003.21 Awarded Red Ribbon of Excellence - Medical Course
240003.23 Awarded Blue Ribbon of Excellence - Starbase Course
240004.04 Awarded Blue Ribbon of Excellence - Operations

Training Courses Completed:

SIM Guide Course (IRC)
Extreme Fighter Pilots Course
SSS Course
Judge Advocate General (JAG)
Advanced Tactical Course
Medical Course
Starbase Course

Career Timeline:

239209.16 To 239904.06
Kal'Rag'Non Bird of Prey, last surviving crew member
239905.29 To 239912.01 USS Excalibur
239912.01 To 240007.05 USS Nightshade
240007.05 To Present USS Devastator / USS Warthog Commanding Officer

B A C K G R O U N D   I N F O R M A T I O N

Personal History:

I am Nu'Gara son of Dra'Goth of the House of Ma'Roth. We are now a Minor house after our house and lands were destroyed by the Klingon rebel forces during the internal civil war. It is with a heavy heart that I was away on patrol and beginning my quest to restore my family's honor with Star Fleet, when all this transpired. My lands destroyed, my younger brother L'Thor killed, I had nothing to return home to.

Being the last survivor of the Kal'Rag'Non has not pleased me either. It was a feverish battle, it was one Bird of Prey against 5 Jem'Hadar ships. We destroyed four of them before we took heavy damage and were boarded. I killed many a Jem'Hadar before I was stunned and transported to they're ship. I alone survived, all members of the former crew where either killed or left to die on our burning ship.

I was tortured for months before I escaped killing three of my captors. I was found in one of their ships by a Star Fleet vessel after I had placed a distress call and passed out from my wounds. By the scars that I now carry from my incarceration in a Jem'Hadar prison and the burden that I could not be at home to save my brother, fills my heart with great anguish.

I have returned home only recently and sought counsel with Benik, it is his wish that I remain in Star Fleet as a liaison between the Empire and the Humans. I have his blessing and he has me contact T'Laera, his daughter on all matters that concerns the Empire. All the former lands that were mine have been returned to me, but it will be decades before they are even somewhat livable.

I have been shown Honor and Glory for my deeds and the fact that I have survived my ordeal has given me a place both in and out of the Empire. (My mother was one of the few natural Klingons that had the ability to use telepathy. This was passed on to me making me a natural Klingon teep and i use the powers when I feel like it. It causes fear in my enemies and non-spoken communication with people that I have studied with in seclusion, such as Kayless. I however, do not make this known as I have found that it has some rather unique advantages.)

Medical History:

Nu_Gara is actually rather largely built for a Klingon, standing only 2.12 M tall (6 ft. 11 in.), and weighing a massive muscular 147.47 Kg (325 lbs.). He has the forehead ridges of a Klingon, along with the heavy eyebrows moustache, and goatee. He has dark blue eyes and thick dark brown, wavy hair.

He has done many self studies and has learned to control his heartrate and breathing, and even body temperature, all to an advanced degree.

Nu_gara exhibits a few battle-scars from his training with the Klingon teachers in his youth, and his capture and torture by the Jem'Hadar. His left arm was severely broken by his first wife and his clavicle by his second. There is a faint scar curving along the jawline on the left side of his face. His nose has been broken several times and is slightly crooked, but not all that noticeable. His most distinctive scar is a small one that runs from his right eye all the way to ear.

On SD 239910.31 Nu_Gara took on a symboint by the name of Selmak. The symbiont is of the race Hathor's Children. The effects on Nu_Gara are as follows: strength increased 10x, psychic ability increased to use of advanced telekinesis, mind reading, thought projections, along with his natural ability he is deemed one of the strongest if not the strongest teep in Star Fleet. (He has been known to cause synapsis hemorrhages in his enemys.)

Additional Notes:

Nu_Gara is skilled in the use of the Daqtagh (Ceremonial Dagger), the qutIuch (Fighting Dagger), and the bat'leth (the Sword of Honor) as well as the nISwI' Hich (Disruptor Pistol). He is also quite proficient in many combat techniques as well, including many forms of martial arts, from many different cultures. He enjoys unarmed combat and often works out in holographic simulations at Level Eighteen or higher (and frequently reports broken bones and lacerations as a result).

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