All Hands | allhands.wav | All hands brace for impact. Damage control teams standby. | 73 KB |
Abandon Ship | abanship.wav | Abandon ship, this is not a drill. All personal this is not a drill. I say again. Abandon ship. | 225 KB |
Auto Distruct Arm | audesarm | Computer arm auto distruct | 59 KB |
Alert | alert.wav | Alert Sound | 99 KB |
Alert 1 | alert1.wav | Alert Sound 1 | 8 KB |
Alert 2 | alert2.wav | Alert Sound 2 | 58 KB |
Comply Orders | cmplyordr.wav | You will comply with these orders or be destroyed. | 51 KB |
Approach | approach.wav | Do not approach me unannounced. Especially when i am eating. | 51 KB |
Attack Pattern | attpatom.wav | Attack pattern omega. Target their engines. | 41 KB |
Auto Defense Proceedures | autodef.wav | Auto Defense Proceedure initiated | 48 KB |
Beam | beam.wav | Beam Wave | 53 KB |
Beamed IN | beamin.wav | Beaming Wave | 127 KB |
Communicator | beep1.wav | Openned Communicator | 11 KB |
Photon Firing | entdphot.wav | Photon Firing Spread | 74 KB |
Blaster | blaster.wav | Blaster or Rifle Fire | 27 KB |
Gun Array | gunarray.wav | Gun Array Firing | 74 KB |
Captain Hail | capthail.wav | Attention All hands the Captain is on the Bridge | 54 KB |
Hailing Frequencies | hailfreq.wav | Hailing frequencies. Open, sir | 31 KB |
Command Codes | ccodes.wav | Command Codes Verified | 48 KB |
Command Functions | cfuncoff.wav | Command Functions are off line | 26 KB |
Cloak | cloak.wav | Ship Cloaking | 107 KB |
Jem`Hadar Rifle | jemrifle.wav | Jem`Hadar Rifle Fire | 20 KB |
Tap Comm Pin | com_tap.wav | Comm Pin Tap | 12 KB |
Klingon Disruptor | klindisr.wav | Klingon Disruptor Firing | 17 KB |
Command Functions | comfunc.wav | Orders reguarding command functions are no longer excepted from your present location | 87 KB |
Command Functions Suspended | commsusp.wav | Command Functions Suspended | 32 KB |
Make it So | makeitso.wav | Make it So | 14 KB |
Computer Panel | companel.wav | Computer Panel Noise | 4 KB |
What is? | numnuts.wav | What is your major malfunction, Numbnuts? | 39 KB |
Proton Beam Rifle | prtbmrfl.wav | Proton Beam Rifle Firing | 62 KB |
Ship Decloaks | decloak.wav | Ship Decloaks | 209 KB |
Act Like SF Officers | sfofficers.wav | I said that's enough! YOUR STAR FLEET OFFICERS NOW START ACTING LIKE IT | 106 KB |
Defiant Torpedo | deftorp.wav | Defiant Torpedo Fire | 31 KB |
Destruct Sequence | destruct.wav | Destruct sequence, completed and engaged. Awaiting final code for one minute countdown. | 72 KB |
Dismissed | dismissd.wav | Dismissed. It's a Star Fleet expression for get out. | 98 KB |
Door Chime | doorbell.wav | Door Chime Sound | 27 KB |
Door Closing | doorclos.wav | Door Closing Sound | 35 KB |
Door Opening | dooropen.wav | Door Opening Sound | 45 KB |
EMH | ds905.wav | Please state the nature of the medical emergency | 48 KB |
Emergency Stations | emerstat.wav | Red Alert take Emergency Stations | 56 KB |
Ship Flys Bye | entflby.wav | Sound of a Ship doing a Fly Bye | 76 KB |
Force Field | ffield.wav | Force Field Sound | 32 KB |
Force Field Activated | force.field.wav | Computer activate force field | 84 KB |
Fire Photons | fire.photons.wav | I have set the photons to fire in staggered rounds, detonating in 10 second intervals | 81 KB |
Full Power | fulpower.wav | Full power has been restored | 30 KB |
Hail | hail.wav | Hail Sound | 10 KB |
Impulse | impulse.wav | Ship going to impulse | 144 KB |
Intruder Alert | intruder.wav | Intruder Alert Klaxons | 67 KB |
Lift Doors | liftdoors.wav | Lift Door Sound | 97 KB |
Console Alert | pconalrt.wav | Console Alert | 31 KB |
Phaser | phaser.wav | Phaser Bank Fires | 54 KB |
Red Alert Klaxon | prdalert.wav | Red Alert Klaxon | 54 KB |
Comm Badge Tap | ptaps.wav | Comm Badge Tap | KB |
Question | question.wav | If you ever question my orders again, you will be releaved of duty, perminately. | 24 KB |
Replicator | rep.wav | Replicator Sound | 111 KB |
Red Alert Report | repbatst.wav | Red Alert all crew members report to battle stations | 53 KB |
Bioship Passes | shdwpass.wav | Bioship Passes | 51 KB |
Bioship Screams | shdwscrm.wav | Bioship Screams | 34 KB |
Single Torpedo | torp.wav | Single Torpedo Fires | 36 KB |
Take to Brig | takebrig.wav | Take him to the brig | 18 KB |
Torpedo Fire | torps.wav | Torpedo Pattern Firing | 24 KB |
Engage Tractor Beam | tractor.beam.wav | Engaging Tractor Beam | 21 KB |
Tractor Beam | tractor.wav | Tractor Beam Sound | 191 KB |
Transporter | transporter.wav | Transporter Sound | 103 KB |
Warp | warp.wav | Ship Goes into Warp Sound | 222 KB |
Zip 1 | sounds1.zip | here is 1/5 of the above sounds | 647 KB |
Zip 2 | sounds2.zip | here is the other 2/5 of the above sounds | 518 KB |
Zip 1 | sounds3.zip | here is 3/5 of the above sounds | 572 KB |
Zip 2 | sounds4.zip | here is the other 4/5 of the above sounds | 423 KB |
Zip 2 | sounds5.zip | here is the other 5/5 of the above sounds | 445 KB |
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