D E T A I L E D   B I O G R A P H Y

Stardate: 239909.29

Name: Cher Ubim
Officer Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Email: ladymask@hotmail.com

Current Assignment:

USS Devastator Chief Science Officer
USS Warthog Acting Science Officer

Former Assignment:
239912.01 to 240007.05
USS Nightshade
Positions Held: Assistant Science Officer
Reassigned to USS Devastator as Chief Science Officer 240007.05

P E R S O N A L   I N F O R M A T I O N


Species: Organian
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 1.82 M
Marital Status: Single
Weight: 63.64 Kg
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Long Blonde
Birth Place: Organia
Personal Quote:

"Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum."


Father: Organian
Mother: Dr. Chapel
Other No Siblings

S T A R F L E E T   C A R E E R

Commendations / Medals:

Awarded Red Ribbon of Excellence - SIM Guide Course (IRC)
Awarded Blue Ribbon of Excellence - Navigation
Awarded Blue Ribbon of Excellence - Science
Awarded Blue Ribbon of Excellence - SSS Course
Awarded Blue Ribbon of Excellence - Engineering
Awarded Blue Ribbon of Excellence - Judge Advocate General (JAG)
Awarded Blue Ribbon of Excellence - Advanced Tactical Course
Awarded Blue Ribbon of Excellence - Security
Awarded Red Ribbon of Excellence - Medical Course
Awarded Blue Ribbon of Excellence - Starbase Course
Awarded Blue Ribbon of Excellence - Operations

Training Courses Completed:

SIM Guide Course (IRC)
Email Sim Course
SSS Course
Judge Advocate General (JAG)
Advanced Tactical Course
Medical Course
Starbase Course

Career Timeline:

239909.16 To 240007.05
Uss Nightshade Assistant Science Officer
240007.05 To Present USS Devastator Chief Science Officer

B A C K G R O U N D   I N F O R M A T I O N

Personal History:

Her Mother, went to Organia to learn about the Organians and stayed. On Organia she didn't age and later joined the true non corporial form of Organians. But before gave birth to a daughter (Cher Ubim) Cher Ubim was the first child born on Organia for millenia and raised by all Organians who loved her deeply. But Cher was not content with the peacefull way. Her Terran nature and perhaps teenage rebellion made her leave Organia and join star fleet.

Medical History:


Additional Notes:

Ubim can transform herself like all Organians in pure Thought/Energy but choose to use her resident Corporal image to be among humans. Ubim does not possess the same peacefull outlook of the Organians nor their wisdom.

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