SIM 240010.11

We will continue back to the planet and 
take the romulan planet for ourselves, as we 
make the necessary repairs that the ship is 

Are there more romulans?  Don't know we havent got 
there yet.

What of the sub space wave?


The ship as well as the fleet turned, moving back towards 
the planet.  As the subspace wave approached science kept 
a watch on the wave as it came closer. 

I was alerted by tactical that some of the fleet had 
disappeared.  How can ships of a fleet of 278 just 
disappear?  We really had no idea but we kept looking into it.

The sub space wave slowly began to over take us, the shields 
were adjusted to compensate.  Tactical continued to state 
that more and more of the fleet were gone.

Slowly the wave passed as all power came back to normal.  
Nothing had really changed or had it?  We checked the star 
grid and we were still in the same place.  Besides the 
Devastator, the Imperator and one BOP still remained.   
What had happened?

Helm was ordered to all stop, holding the ships position, 
as all stations began reporting in on anything out of the 
ordinary.  Science explained that we had just experienced 
a temporal rift and had been, or flew into a parallel universe.

A parallel universe, this was made quickly apparent when 5 
Ferengi Mauraders approached at full warp, their weapons 
active.  The order was given for the Imperator to take the 
lead as she was the largest of the 3 vessels.

We prepaired to engage.  Watching their approach and 
holding steady.    

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