Briefing: The Warthog will remain on course towards the Nebula. If there are no encounters we should gather with the rest of the fleet preparing for the final assault. There are a few things that happened, that the crew will be made aware of this week. Engineers will continue minor repairs. Science and tactical will continue to scan for ship patrols. Operations with her new glasses, will actually see the power readouts giving an accurate reading. Summary: The arena was opened for combat and we had one crew casulity Khassandra Rochelle was killed in combat and her killer was freed for the glory of his skill as a warrior. The mistake of Rochelle was she under estimated the warrior that she battled. She allowed her guard to fall and was killed according to her inept fighting skills. Others battled as well. There still remains more prisoners for the arena. The ship continues on course to the gathering for the final battle.
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