SIM 240007.19

The Devastator is still 15 minutes out from the Bra`Tac.  We are to
rendevous with her and get the intelligence that we will need to pass
through the Klingon sector with minimal confrontations.

Engineering will be making sure that all systems are functional and
that relative power is throughout the ship.

Tactical will bring all weapons online, ensuring that all are ready
if need be.

Science will continue scans of the area of tachyon particles to see
if there are any cloaked Klingon vessels that are patrolling.

Medical will get facilities online and ready for use.

Pilots will check out their birds and make them ready for flight.

Security will make sure that all security fields, brig cells and hand
weapons inventory checks out.


As they closed on the Bra`Tac, tachyon particle readings were detected.  It 
was determined that there were cloaked and uncloaked birds of prey in the 
area.  The BOP’s closed quickly on the Bra`Tac inflicting heavy damage.

They never saw the Devastator even coming, as she uncloaked her black matt 
hull kept her well hidden into the stars.  The Devastator released a full 15 
tube volley, obliterating 2 BOP’s in a matter of seconds.  The others now 
seeing that they were not alone, turned and engaged the Devastator.  A 
battle began, as all ships fired.  The Devastator was hit, causing only 
minor damage.  Two of the 3 BOP’s were destroyed with assistance of the 
Bra`Tac, the last one went to warp and in the wake of his warp bubble had 2 
torps in tow.  Once that ship comes out of warp, the torps will catch up to 
it and it will be destroyed like the others.

The Devastator moved in on the Bra`Tac contacting her and giving aid in her 
repairs. The CO sent coordinates strait to the other CO of that vessel 
telling him where to get repairs and to mention his name when he got there.  
Another 3 BOP’s decloaked an hour down the way and again tried to take out 
the Bra`Tac.   They were destroyed after an involved battle and prisoners 
were beamed onto the Devastator for future interrogation.

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