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U.S.S. Devastator NX-95712


Welcome to the history section of the U.S.S. Devastator . 

The U.S.S. Devastator houses the mission logs of past events here. Please look and see where we have been and what we have done. 

SIM 240009.06

The Warthog will reverse course from its retreat 
vector, doing a 180.  We will use our cloak and 
alternative warp to make it back to the system 
at top speed.

We will attempt to take out the remainder of the 
opposing ships and capture the planet, if possible 
not destroying it.  But as always if it becomes 
necessary to do so we will.

Minor repairs by engineering will be made in route.  
Security will ensure that all personal are placed 
accordingly.  Pilots that were recovered will 
prepair to launch for a ground assult on the 
weapons depots.


The ship continued at full warp away from the 
battle area, as they neared the 3 hour mark the 
CO emerged from his ready room taking his seat.   
He ordered the ship cloaked, having helm make a 
wide arch turning 180 and returning to the 
battle area.

All stations we assessed and found to be back 
to full function.  Upon concerns by the crew 
the CO announced to them that this was a ploy 
to take the forces off guard and to get some 
of the ships out of the area.

Using the alternative warp (transwarp or 
slipstream depending which you call it) they 
bore the Warthog back into the sector ready to 
finish the job.  Long range sensors were used, 
firing solutions input from largest to smallest 
ships were made, ground assault troops and gear 
were gathered and pilots were ready for launch.

We entered the system decloaked, launched 
fighters and took on the remaining ships.  Using 
the advantage of long range weapons we fired 
first softening the enemy making them easier to 
destroy.  They fought hard, taking 63 of our 
fighters out of the 400 that were launched.

The battle was long taking a few hours to 
complete, as the last of the enemy ships either 
erupted from core breaches or were blown from 
the sky. The fighters descended on the planet 
engaging the 3 strongholds, after Tactical 
released a barrage of weapons taking a little 
over ½ of the two strongholds out from space.  

The assault forces, lead by the Security Chief, 
using the assault phaser tanks closed in on 
the last ground outpost.  The tanks along with 
ground troops fought hand to hand until two 
torpedoes were beamed down as shock wave 
inducers rendering most of the opposing 
forces unconscious.

The CO ordered down that healthy prisoners 
were to be taken and all the injured to be 
killed.  A little over 383 prisoners were 
transported back to the ship.  As a reward 
for the mostly Klingon crew and letting the 
prisoners either live or die with honor.  
The CO has decided that there will be trial 
by combat in an arena on the Warthog.  
Klingons of the crew, humans and others if 
they wish, can compete one on one in the 
arena with a prisoner to the death.  Thus 
giving the captives a chance to die a 
glorious battle or to win and to be set 
free, after the conflict is totally over.

Cheers from the Klingon crew echoed 
throughout the ship, as most of the other 
non warrior crew just stared in horror at 
the CO decision to kill so easily.

Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, movies, etc. are Copyright © Paramount Pictures. This is a purely fan-based web-page and has not been set up for commercial purposes. This site is contributed to by the members of the sim.

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Questions, comments, concerns or suggestions are welcomed.


©2000 Metamorphic Creations All Rights Reserved. Graphics and design work here are copyrighted materials by Metamorphic Creations and the individual authors that are part of the simulation. None of this material my be used without the express written permission of the authors. Please feel free to e mail us and we will gladly grant permission to use some of our designs.