U.S.S. Devastator NX-95712
Welcome to the history section of the U.S.S. Devastator . The U.S.S. Devastator houses the mission logs of past events here. Please look and see where we have been and what we have done. SIM 240008.23 Briefing: After contacting the Tholan ship the CO had the Hive ships maintance crews complete repairs on the hidden and cloaked vessel as he talked with the other captains on board. Tens of thousands of maintance crew were given a full week to get her ready for full action. We will be picking up the completely renovated and operational Warthog this week. We will be going to the 7th planet in the Pheonix system, a strong hold of Kilmours forces, for a short visit. Hopefully when both ships decloak we will meet little or no resistance. Then again :), you never know now do you? Summary: The Commander returned from the Tholian ship and entered the bridge. He had tac open a channel to the Tholian vessel, asking the condition of the Warthog. He was informed that the Warthog was fully repaired, had been manned with 1000 crew and 400 pilots. The Cmdr. was eager to take command of the larger vessel. He ordered that the Beta shift take command of the Devastator and stay inside the Tholian ship. He gave the remaining crew the order to hold tight and they would meet at the appointed place in 3-4 weeks. He had the Tholian ship release the repaired Warthog and had all his main command staff from the Devastator accompany him. They entered the ship, watching the Tholian ship jump to warp and out of sight. He ordered the helm to lay in a course for the 7th planet of the Phoenix system. Had tac cloak and sat back, having all departments report status of the war vessel. As they entered the system at advanced warp (transwarp or slipstream), he had the helm drop to impulse by the 3rd planet as the Commander let the ship ease into a planetary orbit on its speed alone. They made planetary orbit, sci, ops and tac were ordered to scan for any cloaked vessels in the area knowing that some Klingon patrols would still be seeing action. 4 K`Vort and 1 BOP were spotted on long range and the Commander gave the order. The ship was decloaked, sheilds raised, weapons powered and the missle bay doors opened. He ordered tac to fire at will all missle/bore bombs into the planets surface. Sci as well as tac kept on the read outs of distance of the boring bombs into the surface, as sci kept watch on the planetary readouts. As the bombs drilled there way deeper into the surface, they were detonated at the 10 mile mark. The planet having the mass of bombs exploding near to the region that would effect the core, started to cause the planet to implode in on itself. The distance 5 ships receiving the distress call from the planet headed at high warp to engage the Warthog. The Warthog seeing the planet was ready to explode, hit warp with the other ships persueing. As the planet exploded killing the 200,000+ warriors, civilians and other life on the planet, 4 of the 5 ships were destroyed by exploding debris. The shockwave made the ship bounce slightly, as we sped away. The remaining ship was fired on with aft tubes and obliterated from our view screen. The Warthog changed course and headed for its next target, a planet in the Quintaruis system called Dundracca 3 another staging area for Kilmours forces. Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, movies, etc. are Copyright © Paramount Pictures. This is a purely fan-based web-page and has not been set up for commercial purposes. This site is contributed to by the members of the sim. This website is created and maintained by